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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Scribble Picnic–Bird

     We're blessed to have many trees around our house, which also means many birds. My husband likes to grow birdhouse gourds and hang them up for the wrens. Their chattering, which I love to hear, goes on and on throughout the day this time of year! We also have a large rock in our backyard. It has somewhat of a basin on the top, so when that is kept full of water it attracts a wide variety of birds–finches, robins, bluebirds, wrens, sparrows, orioles, cardinals, bluejays,...
     Many years ago my brother who lives in the city mentioned "how noisy" it is here in the country after the birds woke him with their early morning singing! He wasn't really complaining, just commenting!
     I already posted this drawing of a ceramic bird figurine from a class I took years ago, but I'll share it again, as it's one of my favorites. 

     And just because, here's a quick little colored pencil sketch of a bird of no particular variety.

Joining Michael at Scribble Picnic for this week's bird theme. Fly on over here to see the other birds at the picnic.


  1. I love the sound of the birds, especially in the morning when I walk out to the car. They make me smile and that's always a good way to start your day. Your drawings are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them and a little piece of your yard.

    1. Thanks, and you're welcome, Lorraine. Yes, smiling is definitely a good way to start each day! It's fun to watch the birds at the rock when they use it for a birdbath. They seem to have some unspoken rules regarding whose turn it is, and will wait patiently until it is theirs!

  2. the black and white drawing is quite nice and has a softness to it that I like.

    have a lovely day.

  3. Lovely bird pieces, happy SP!

  4. I think your little blue bird is totally adorable and very well done, Jolene! Great job. The other one is cute and fluffy too.

    Yes, the countryside can be loud with birds and such, as we witnessed whilst back in Norfolk, UK, for my mother's funereal. At least those and yours are sweet sounding birds...unlike her in Fort collins where we are awoken every morning by loud cawing crows. Not so pleasant! :)

    1. Thank you! I actually quite surprise myself sometimes. Here's hoping some birds with a nice song move into your neighborhood!

  5. Thank you, Alexandra.
    LOL I'm thinking Michael may need to check his hearing, as he says he only hears the loud crows! Actually, my husband isn't able to hear the birds anymore, except occasionally with his hearing aids. So guess I'm not laughing any more. Let's count our blessings that we Can enjoy their songs!

  6. I really like both of these! I can just see the first one sitting somewhere. Very sweet little bird in blue, very sweet!

    1. Thanks, Trina! Yep, the figurine does sit out for decoration now and then.

  7. ah, your drawings are quite dear.
    I find it wonderful that your husband grows gourds to turn into bird houses. Sometimes the birds wake me up too. I can't complain about that.

  8. :-) You're right; I consider being awakened by the sound of birds a blessing!

  9. I just love the expression on that first little birds face!

  10. I love being woken up to the sound of the birds in the early morning. It warms my heart.

    How wonderful that your husband grows gourds for birdhouses. Your bird sketches are so lovely, Jolene. Nice work indeed.

    1. Indeed, we are blessed to be able to enjoy the sound of the birds!
      Thank you, Serena.

  11. very nice little birds :) living in a very small town you don't hear a lot of cars but lots of birds but I dont find the birds noisy, go to a bigger town or city and all the cars drive me nuts :p

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I'm right with you on not enjoying the sound of city traffic!
