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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Scribble Picnic – Fill in the Blank

Did you ever play "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"? It was a common game at birthday parties when I was in grade school. It was also the first thing I thought of upon seeing this prompt for the "Fill in the Blank" theme of this week's Scribble Picnic(You can see at least a dozen other takes on the theme here.)
I just did  a couple of initial sketches along the "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" line of thinking.
They didn't go any further, so instead I went with several dozen "pins" and multiple colors to come up with this.

Though at this point I prefer to stick with paper and pencil, I think this would have worked well for me to try on a computer program. Will I ever? We'll see!


  1. very nice interpretation!

    1. Thanks, Christine, it was fun to do!

  2. Clever takes on this, and so can see that pin the tail on teh donkey! I loved that game. haha. Your second image is dotty indeed, Jolene. Perfect. Thanks for thinking about this.

    I saw your form entry adn will go to the post office this next weekend to mail your goodies. Perhaps you can let us know what you thought here where you get it? Fun. And I;m excited for you to enjoy it too. Thank you for being such a consistent contributor to your picnic. I know this one was a true challenge. It's great to see how many applied themselves to it in such varying degrees.

    1. Thanks, Michael.
      "Dotty" :-)
      Oh, I will definitely be posting about the goodies, and am looking forward to their arrival and being able to use and enjoy them!

  3. I really like both of your sketches. Loved playing pin the tail on the donkey.

    Congratulations on the winning. You will love what Michael sends. I won several years ago, and love everything he sent. So unique.

    1. Thank you, Wanda.
      That's a timeless game, isn't it?
      I seem to remember you mentioning on your blog about your prize from Michael; I'm excited to have the same opportunity!

  4. Jolene,
    I loved the pin the tail on the donkey - such a clever idea. And your other one turned out well too.

  5. oh, the pin the tail on the donkey is brilliant!!

    1. Thanks, Sue. Missed seeing an entry from you, but thanks for stopping by!

  6. Pin the tail on the donkey! I haven't heard that in a long while, but you're totally on target with that pin! Love your final rendition also.

    1. It's such a timeless game, isn't it?
      Thank you, Lorraine. Looks like we both went with hills and "lollipop" trees this week!

  7. cute little balloons

  8. How fun that you thought of pin the tail on the donkey. I have not thought of that game for so long.

    Your colored sketch is charming.

  9. I like the colors on the final pins piece. I wonder why most of the interpretations has been colorful though I don't mind it one bit. lovely take on the challenge

    have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks, Lissa! Hadn't thought about it, but yes, they were mostly colorful.

  10. I think we tell our age group by admitting we played Pin the Tail on the Donkey ... too bad the kids today don't enjoy such games. Both of your pictures take me back to those younger years. Times were good in those days :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. :-) Glad I could bring back some good memories! I actually had some VBS kids play a variation of the game not too long ago–with tape instead of a pin!

  11. both are nice ideas :) well done

  12. Memories again of childhood party games - always enjoyed pin the tail on the donkey - love what you did here.

    1. Thank you, Mary! It was definitely the game of choice at birthday parties when I was young!

  13. You never really hear of that game any more. I remember playing it as a child. Love your balloon idea...nice and colourful. :)

  14. It surprised me the response such a simple, unfinished sketch received! Thank you, Alexandra!

  15. We played the game at many birthday parties when I was young. And actually, I had some VBS kids playing a version of it–using tape instead of pins–not too long ago. Thanks, Serena!
