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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Scribble Picnic–Rabbit

I remember attending a day camp in the 1960s.  I'm sure the leaders put much time and energy into all the fun activities for the day.  About all I remember specifically is learning through song about a little bunny who had a penchant for misbehaving.  When he came to mind this week, thought I would see what he looked like when I put him on paper!

There are some variations of the song, of course, but this is the version I remember. Don't miss the moral of the tale at the end!

Little bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
"Little bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head."
I'll give you 3 chances,
And if you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"

Little bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
"Little bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head."
I'll give you 2 more chances,
And if you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"

Little bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
"Little bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head."
I'll give you 1 more chance,
And if you don't behave, I will turn you into a goon!"

Little bunny Foo Foo
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head

Down came the Good Fairy, and she said
"Little bunny Foo Foo
I don't want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And bopping them on the head."
I gave you three chances and you didn't behave....
POOF. She turned him into a Goon.
The moral of the story is:  Hare today, goon tomorrow!

Linking with Michael at Scribble Picnic for this week's theme.

To view more rabbits hop on over here!


  1. HaHaHa...what a funny little song...getting bobbed on the head..

    Your illustration of the song is really cute. Painful..ouch...but cute.

    1. Thanks, Wanda! First time I ever felt sorry for a mouse.

  2. Wonderful memories to go with your bunny today!

    1. We sang the song over and over and over, and I just remembered that we had actions to go along with it!

  3. Sweet little drawing. I can't imagine a bunny being mean to a mouse.

    1. Thanks! I can't really either, but it made for a good song!

  4. Ha, Joelen, this a great lil drawing. Very cute for a lovely children's rhyme although that is somewhat different to the one Alexandra knows by heart that she's sung and taught me as I had never heard it before. A great idea and addition here. Well done! And it is nice to know for sure now that you aren't "joe" from Kansas as Alex thought your moniker read! hahaha.

    1. Thanks, Michael! As with many children's songs and stories, there are many different versions. :-) Definitely not "Joe" but you could say I am "Jo E." from Kansas! A few friends call me "Jo".

  5. I didn't know about this song, that's not a nice behave rabbit, but it makes for a nice tale for your drawing.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Now you know! :-)
      Right, not a nice little rabbit, but hopefully he learned his lesson!

  6. New to me song and I'm already hearing it repeating in my head, haha!
    Like your rabbit sketch but feel sorry for the tiny mouse!

    1. Did you look up a tune, or just make one up? It's definitely one that sticks in your head!
      Thanks. I like to think those "bops" on the mouse weren't all that hard, just annoying!

  7. I remembered the words you have on your drawing but had forgotten the rest. Made me laugh out loud! Great drawing too.

    1. Thanks, Lorraine! I had actually forgotten the ending too, until I looked it up. Glad it gave you a chuckle!

  8. haha, that was a great post. Lovely picture too.

  9. Oh, we used to sing this in Girl Scouts, thanks for the memories

    1. Oh, good, I'm glad to know someone else knows the song! Yes, it was a Girl Scout day camp where I learned it.

  10. My daughter learned this song years ago! I remember her singing it all the time. I didn't know the ending though...cute!

  11. Great illustration, Joeks! I hadn't heard that song before until very recently. Naughty bunny...I'm glad the good fairy taught him a lesson. hehe

    1. Thank you, Serena!
      The bunny certainly learned a lesson, and of course I guess we are all supposed to learn one or two from it also! :-)

  12. Thank you, Alexandra! Glad to share the smile.
