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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Road Trip

I'll get back to explaining the previous post before too long.

Meanwhile, here are some road photos from some traveling B and I did last week! Can you tell where we were? (No fair if I've already told you!)


  1. I'll take a wild guess and say you went to Colorado. The only part of Kansas that I'm familiar with is I-70 which we drove home from Denver several years ago and it was winter. I thought maybe we had been dropped onto a strange, uninhabited planet, but then, every once in a while, a farm would appear, and miraculously, a Dairy Queen.

  2. Where ever it's lovely. Wow that hairpin road....Yikes.

    Thanks for the tour....

  3. I love the pictures, but I can't tell where they were taken.

  4. It looks totally cool wherever it is. I want to go.
