The first annual
Kansas Senior Spelling Bee was held a couple of weeks ago in Salina. I had read about it in our local paper, thought it sounded like fun, and decided to enter since I met the criteria (not by much-I think I was the youngest one there!)

There were 48 "senior spellers" from around the state who took a written test of fifty words. Eighteen of us spelled all of those correctly, and got to advance to the oral spell-down.

Round by round, more spellers were eliminated. I really wasn't nervous, because the main idea was to have fun! That's what I did, until I met up with the word
garrulous. So... sixth place isn't bad, eh? And there's always next year!
This is a link to KWCH's television coverage of the event, in case you're interested. It takes a long time for me to play, but maybe your computer is faster.)