I wonder how many hours of my childhood and youth were spent with a book in hand? It had to be MANY, as I recall books received as gifts; walking (or riding my bike) the two and a half blocks to the town library at least weekly; A Fish out of Water; the Nancy Drew, Donna Parker, and Annette series; bringing home books from the long, low classroom shelves; reading the stories in old school reading books over and over on my own; book reports; ordering paperback books from the flyer brought home from school; reading in bed, in a tree, in my "hide-outs" in the garage and basement, in the car,... How fortunate to have had that privilege!

I'm so glad that our oldest grandchild (nearly four now) has loved books from the time he was very little, too. He just may have been my inspiration for this week's Scribble Picnic theme of books! You can read and see what others came up with here.