Kindergarteners are an interesting age. Their emotions and words to match are always right there, ready to burst out, whether it's joy, anger, goofiness, hurt, pride, or whatever the current mood brings. For the most part they are eager to please, but need oh so much guidance. I hurt for some of them, all of them actually. By the things some of them talk about, it is obvious that they have been exposed to SO much (not necessarily good stuff) early in their lives. It is refreshing to be around the 5-year olds who are just, well, 5-year olds!
I have to share an ah-ha! moment one of them had. A little girl was printing her name, when a lightbulb went on for her. She exclaimed, "I'm related to Monday! My name begins with M-o-n, too!" That kind of comment just makes my day!
Another thing that is a definite "day maker" is getting 22 sweet hugs to close out a long-term job!