Today B and I head to the hospital in Lincoln again, but at least this time it's a planned trip. The time has finally come to zap--or freeze, actually--the tumor perched on the back side of his kidney. Of course they'll also biopsy a sample of the offensive little thing. We're completely trusting that regardless of what it is, cancer or not, the procedure will get rid of all the growth that shouldn't be there.
Another "offensive little thing" showed up in the form of an extra bump at the top of his nose, just above the eyepad of his glasses. The blessing is that since B was already prepping for today's surgery (getting off his blood thinner), our local surgeon was able to excise the nodule in his office last Thursday. The lab report came back that yes, it was a malignant skin cancer. We and the doctor are confident that he removed it all. The area is healing up nicely, but of course there was bruising, so it looks like he was in a fight!
Your prayers are appreciated today and in the days to follow as he heals.
Our trust is in the Lord.