Thanks for stopping by! I hope you'll find a little something extra to brighten your day, evoke a memory, or bring a smile. I love hearing from my visitors! I hope you'll check back for my replies to your comments. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

again..... and again.....

This is not a trend I like.

Bill's sister, Ruth, died just five weeks after he did. She was my oldest cousin, but certainly not old. As with Bill, I didn't see her very often. When we visited at her parents' home when I was in grade school, I got to stay in her room. I remember pinkness and lace!

Now my dear Aunt Sylva has also left her earthly home. She welcomed us for so many great family gatherings at her place. Soon we'll gather for her funeral service and share good memories; all good. Dear Aunt Sylva.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Valentine for You

For God so loVed the world,
*****That He GAve
************His onLy
********************That whosoever
******Believeth In Him
*********Should Not perish,
******But have Everlasting life.

---------------John 3:16

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Miscellaneous

You may or may not know, but it's true that I .....
  1. used to have l-o-n-g hair that went well below my waist.
  2. am a P.K. (Dad was a Presbyterian minister.)
  3. can tolerate dogs as long as they're not yappy and not mine, but I greatly prefer cats--Siamese in particular.
  4. am not a morning person, never have been.
  5. only have cousins who are from two-child families, but Mom and Dad had a third--that's me!
  6. am in charge of putting together our church newsletter four times a year.
  7. was part of a large group that performed song and choreography routines and did community service projects (Sing Out!) for around six years in the early 1970s.
  8. have wonderful organizational plans in my head, but have a hard time carrying them out.
  9. smile about teddy bears, cats, baskets and chocolate!
  10. used to write poetry, with some of it printed in campus publications.
  11. have total confidence that God is leading my life step by step.
  12. taught a combination first and second grade class for six years.
  13. spend much more time reading and commenting on other blogs than I do posting on my own.