........that Mom would stay up, and OUT, till around 2.00 A.M.?!
It happened the night of August 11.
However, I should probably clarify........
........that the "tattoo" was not permanent, but rather one that washes off.
........that there was a legitimate reason for being up and out so late.
August 11 was the Marshall-Nemaha County American Cancer Society Relay for Life. I was proud to have Mom attend as one of the survivors. The whole local event raised over $60,000, of which our team hit silver level for the first time, at just over $3,000! Thank you to all who contributed.

"Salem Crusaders", minus a few.

Power point presentation during the luminaria ceremony, which included (along with an hour's worth of names and/or pictures more) in memory of Blake.......

and in honor of Mom.

It also included in memory of Jenny, but with no photo.
There were enough luminaries to almost line the track twice, plus these shown in the bleachers. (This year those from our team were used here!) This is what it's all about!!!