We spent a Saturday at K.'s camp near Omaha. She gave us a micro-mini-taste-of-camp.

After VBS and the ice cream social, spent a few days catching up .....no, make that ATTEMPTING to catch up...... on bookwork, housework, laundry, etc. Then we went to Hutch to visit Mom/Granny Fran for a few days.

Except it didn't seem like very long of a visit to me, because I spent two of those days going to Wichita to take another class.

Did get a visit to the zoo worked in before we left.

Got home Saturday night just a little bit before K. arrived home for a four-day break. She got to play (organ) for church today. Always love to hear her play. T. got home last week, and will be off from work at camp till later in July. This evening she started back for a couple of weeks at her job milking cows.
So summer has officially been here for just over a week now, but it really feels like it's half over. I like these evenings when the sun goes down so late. And of course around this time of year we can go outside, look off toward the horizon in about any direction, and enjoy the fireworks displays for which others have shelled out the cash! We set off a few of our own, but nothing very elaborate. Enjoy some games of croquet, with B. known for setting up varying lengths of courses.

And as long as there's some light (or even sometimes if there's not?) M. is always ready to get a kite, or two, or more, up in the air! More about those another time.
Have had a bit of a lull with the garden. Maybe that's because we've been gone?! But B. did bring in a cucumber today, so it will soon be time for making pickles.